
© 乙回庐 2019. All rights reserved.


Everything That Has A Beginning Has An End. From “The Matrix Revolutions”

I am very happy to announce the version 1.00 of WriteTeX. As is discussed in the previous post, this plugin will release its final version when the pdf cropping problem is solved. And now, I am very glad to say that the crop function is introduced into the plugin, and it will be enabled automatically if pdfcrop command is available in the running environment. And thus, here is the 1.00 version of the plugin, and this is also the final version of it.

At this moment I would like to say that the main workflow of this plugin is fixed. It is unlikely the procedure of the plugin will be changed dramatically in the future. The main functions of the plugin are also quite steady for years. Considering this PDF import issue has been discussed for years, it is possible in the next release of Inkscape, the function of the plugin can be fully implemented into the main program. Then, there is no meaning to keep this plugin running. No matter what, I think this is a good time to release this final version of the plugin.

Do not worry, there may be some minor bug fixes for this plugin. However, in general, I would like to say this is the end of this plugin.

紅玉道:“也不犯著氣他們。俗語說的好,‘千里搭長棚,沒有個不散的筵席’,誰守誰一輩子呢?不過三年五載,各人干各人的去了。那時誰還管誰呢?” 《红楼梦·第二十六回》




