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含糖的碳酸饮料被认为是导致超重的因素之一,不利于健康。过去几年,苏打饮料的销量出现了下滑,美国人逐渐远离苏打被认为是意义重大的公共健康胜利之一,然而问题是替代苏打的是其它含糖饮料如果汁。研究人员在 BMJ Open发表研究报告,分析了美国人饮食中的深加工食品和添加糖。他们发现58%的总能量摄入来自添加了人工颜色、口味和甜味剂的食物;美国人消耗的大约90%的添加糖来自深加工食品——两大主要来源是软饮料和果汁。果汁和能量饮料含有的糖与苏打相差无几甚至更多。






I asked nutrition researchers this question, and they all pointed out that the sugar in fruit juice is more concentrated than it is in whole fruits. When you drink fruit juice, you get a mega dose of sugar the same way you do when you drink soda.

“Juices have some nutritional value when the sugars are not added. But people don’t drink all that much [natural fruit] juice — it’s too expensive. They drink juice drinks with added sugars,” said Nestle.

These juices drinks — like bottled cranberry or grape juices — are basically sugar water with artificial flavors and little nutritional benefit. And even pure fruit juices that deliver vitamins and nutrients — like freshly squeezed orange juice — also deliver a lot of calories and sugar.

That said, nutritionists aren’t arguing you have to avoid fruit juice entirely. Real fruit juices are nutritionally superior to sodas and can be part of a healthy diet — albeit in moderation, Nestle said. “Juices, like any other source of liquid sugars, are best consumed in small amounts.”


A handful of countries are moving to tax sugary drinks in an effort to fight obesity. But in some instances, the taxes continue to focus on soda, and overlook the huge quantities of sugar people are consuming in fruit juice.

In Britain, for example, the government just announced a forthcoming sugary drinks tax — but it only applies to soft drinks with added sugar, and excludes all milk-based beverages and fruit juices. (See the Treasury Department’s fact sheet on the soda tax). That means beverages like milkshakes and cranberry juices won’t be taxed even though they’re nearly as damaging to health from a nutrition standpoint.

Berkeley, California, has a tax on sugary drinks, but it also excludes energy drinks, sweetened milk products, and 100 percent juices.

Soda companies in the UK are considering legal action over the tax on the basis of discrimination, since the tax excludes other sugary drinks.

They raise a fair point. If the taxes focused on sugar content and calories, many more beverage companies — makers of chocolate milk, energy drinks, and fruit juice — would be affected. But as Nestle pointed out, there are political reasons that doesn’t happen. “A tax on sweetened milk,” she said, “will bring down the wrath of the dairy industry, which no legislator wants to take on.”

